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The golden age of remote work, are we there yet?

April 16 - 6 min read

May 2, 2022

Many companies now allow their employees to work remotely, as they acknowledge that rejecting remote work could cost them talents . McKinsey calculates that this new workforce behavior might lead to four to five times more people working from home than pre-pandemic. It would drastically change the geography of the work commute, potentially favoring suburbs, which offer more space and lower housing costs, over the larger urban centers.

But is the infrastructure ready for startups to fully adopt remote working? When we onboard a new remote work, founders, tech lead or HR has to figure out how to purchase work devices, ship the devices, sign the agreement, install softwares, share account access, and at the same time maintain the security compliance when doing all of the above. As suggested, an MDM should be installed on all company-issued devices. We have to do all these through zoom call instead of face to face in the office.

Solutions like CDM, help businesses to buy things online. But those solutions are designed for large size companies and work as an eCommerce portal rather than designed as part of your onboarding workflow. As more and more B2B purchase are happening online, many of SMBs still rely on B2C channels to finish transactions. This often leads to broken asset tracking and poor management of those devices.

As more and more companies adopted hybrid remote. We need more infrastructures to improve the operation so companies can maximize its productivity while remaining flexibility.

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